
Amongst our publications are the local newspaper «Anzeiger von Saanen» the seasonal news and lifestyle magazine GstaadLife, and the annual glossy magazine GSTAAD MY LOVE. Together they cover a wide variety of topics and interests to inform and entertain locals as well as patrons and tourists.  Click on the icons below to find out more!

Anzeiger von Saanen

It all started with the «Anzeiger» over 130 years ago. The founding father of the newspaper wanted to create «a connecting link between the inhabitants of the community», which is still part of the mission today. It has become increasingly important to keep in touch with the local while the world around us is growing smaller and smaller. The «Anzeiger» features the latest births and cases of death, sport events, politics, culture, and economic topics that happen in and affect our region.

The «Anzeiger» is published on Tuesdays and on Fridays and has a printrun of 4910 copies. Please visit the «Anzeiger» homepage via the following button to find the latest news and more information about the publication:

Anzeiger von Saanen


GstaadLife is the English news magazine in the Saanenland. It appears eight times per year and is seasonally focused. Four summer issues span June to August and four winter issues span December to February.

The very first issue of was published in 2004. We were approached because there was a need in the non-German community and for visitors of the Saanenland to be able to read up on the goings-on in Gstaad. It’s a wonderful story because it goes to show how much they care about their chosen place of (temporary) residence. It keeps patrons, international guests, and travellers up-to-date about the latest news from the region, be it on economy, culture, or politics. It thus serves as an important link between the local community and our international guests. At the same time the magazine offers lifestyle topics and interviews with local and international people.

Visit the GstaadLife homepage, which is updated througout the year:



GSTAAD MY LOVE is the official publication of the tourist region Gstaad. The trilinugal magazine (German, English, and French) appears once a year and entertains on over 160 pages. Interviews with local and international personalities, background stories on the many events Gstaad offers, and the latest tourist offers come in a stylish and entertaining layout. You’ve got to love Gstaad My Love!

You can browse the current magazin and the issues from previous years online here:

Im Fokus

The magazine “Im Fokus” puts insider knowledge from the region in the spotlight. It is published once a year (at the beginning of September) and is delivered free of charge to all households in the Saanenland. Each issue is dedicated to a special topic, which awaits you with exciting stories and information.

In the second part of the magazine, local businesses make their big entrance. In gripping public reports, the reader can experience at first hand what is produced or which services are provided in the region. Other interesting sections show our three Municipalities as well as our associations. 

“Im Fokus” is aimed primarily at the local population. It tells stories – exciting, colorful and informative. A regional must-have!

Im Fokus

Yoga! Das Magazin

Yoga! Das Magazin is the only Swiss yoga magazine. It covers topics on a relaxed, healthy, and conscious lifestyle. The six issues per year can be ordered by subscription or purchased at your newsagent. Learn more from the world of yoga and read the portraits and interviews with yoga personalities. Perfect your own excercises with the articles on specific asanas and anatomy. Or browse the news on travels, ayurveda, science and yoga, and related topics.

To find out more, visit the magazine’s homepage:

Yoga! Das Magazin